Frequently Asked Questions

What is Physiotherapy?

Physiotherapy covers a diverse array of treatment methods to reduce your pain and restore your normal movement and function.

What is a Chartered Physiotherapist?

The title “Chartered Physiotherapist” and the initials MISCP indicate that a physiotherapist is a member of the Irish Society of Chartered Physiotherapists. Chartered Physiotherapists have a University degree resulting in a high level of education, knowledge and experience needed to give a high quality and effective service to patients

Do I need doctor's referral?

Physiotherapy is available to everyone. You do not need a doctor to refer you for private physiotherapy. Physiotherapists are primary care practitioners and act as a first point of contact for patients, just like your GP. They also accept referrals from GP’s and consultants

How long does Physiotherapy appointment last?

Your physiotherapy appointment will usually take 45 mins.

What can I expect on my first visit?

Your first visit will incorporate the initial assessment and treatment. A detailed history of your present condition and medical status will be taken, followed by a thorough clinical examination. The diagnosis of your presenting condition will be discussed and together your treatment plan will be established.

What shall I Wear?

Generally wear comfortable loose fitting clothing. We usually will need to inspect the affected area so please wear clothing that allows for this. For conditions affecting the legs, it is a good idea to bring shorts

Is there parking available?

There is ample free parking in front and behind PhysioPlus’s premises.

What cost is involved?

€60 for initial assessment and treatment
€50 for follow up visits

Which methods of payment do you accept?

We accept payment by cheque or cash. We do not accept debit / credit cards at present.

How many treatment will I need?

Following your first appointment your physiotherapist will discuss the anticipated number of treatments. You will be reassessed on each visit. On average, most patients usually require 2-3 treatments

I have private medical insurance – am I covered?

We are recognised by all the major insurance companies, as we are Chartered Physiotherapists. The amount that can be claimed varies with your plan. Treatment costs are also tax deductible via a Med-1 form.

Are home visits available?

Yes, please call to discuss.